Member Types

Member types

Member types are a core functionality. It allows you to subcategorize users on your site into sections.

To create new member types you can go to WP admin -> Vibebp -> Settings -> BuddyPress -> Member types and add new member type.

You can use this member type for creating different directories on the site. Like a different members directory for Instructors, or a different directory for Students.

Let's see what all options are available in the member's directory.

otal Number of members Number of members you want to display in one page of the members directory.

Width of member block Member blocks automatically adjust based on availability of space. This minimum width sets how much space the member block takes. The maximum value of this width is set to 100% of the container size. So it will gracefully default to 100% of screen on mobile screens..

Member Type Restrict the directory to a specific member type.

Pagination Show pages on number of members, if you want to show more members. You may keep this turned off if you want to show top 10 students of a class etc.

Filters Member filters based on Profile fields. Only the profile fields which have auto link enabled, see below screenshot.

Last updated